Monday, February 7, 2011

A for Awesome.

What is it about running in the rain, (for the first time), that makes us feel so hardcore?  Kristina and I went to Bayshore for a 9 miler yesterday after work.  It was a little bit drizzly when we got there, but no big deal.  A few minutes into the run it was more sprinkly.  A little while later, rain.  It was so exhilarating.  It took alot to keep me motivated.  We had both worked 12 hour shifts before the run.  But we did it.

Wet Rats.
During the run I was noticing hot spots on my feet at the arches.  I was hoping it was just because my feet were wet and that there was not a problem with my beloved Vibram Bikilas.  When I got to the car, I took my shoes off and there are funny marks on my feet, not quite blisters, not quite cuts.  But man do they burn.  Covered them with Vaseline gauze at work last night.  They are starting to feel better.  I am going to run in my KSOs until they are gone, then try my Bikilas again.  Hopefully it was just because of the rain.

I was also trying out my new phone apps.  I downloaded the Runstar app and was excited to see how it would work.  I should have played with it before we went out for the run because I couldn't figure out how to get it to change from km to miles or how to lock the screen.  Once I figured it all out, it worked great.  We had our doubts until we sat down a breakfast and checked out the phone.  9.1 miles.  A for Awesome!! 

Speaking of A for Awesome, we finally made it to Daily Eats.  I am on a detox diet for the week.  No meat, no dairy, no sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol.  I still managed to eat a delicious breakfast.  Eggs aren't meat.  And I had decaf coffee because I was freezing. 

So stoked to eat here.

Yum!!  Don't worry, that's not all my food.

I feel great doing this "detox", except for missing the caffeine.  I probably shouldn't have started it before a 5 night stretch at work.  Oh, and I miss cheese...alot! 

Wednesday I leave to go back up north for a wedding and to see my mama.  I can't wait to see my friends and family, but I am not looking forward to running in the cold.  I don't have any cold weather running gear.  But I'm excited to be getting some hill work into my training.  Florida is FLAT, except for the race courses, they always seem to find a hill to throw in there.

Does anybody know any other good Android running apps?

How do you keep warm during your run without buy specific cold gear?

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